Panasonic CF-19 (DDBZXVM)


10.4" (1024 x 768), Intel Core Duo U2400, 512 MB, 80 GB HDD, Intel GMA 950 128 MB

Main (Panasonic CF-19 (DDBZXVM))
Diagonal screen 10.4"
The screen resolution 1024 x 768
The screen technology TN+Film
Optical drive (ODD)
Hard disk capacity 80 GB
Graphics adapter Intel GMA 950
Processor Intel Core Duo
Processor (Panasonic CF-19 (DDBZXVM))
Cache (shared, L2 or L3) 2 MB
The processor model U2400
The number of cores 2
Clocked 1 060 MGh
Memory 512 MB
Design (Panasonic CF-19 (DDBZXVM))
Housing material plastic, metal, rubber
Dust, moisture, shock
Dimensions and weight (Panasonic CF-19 (DDBZXVM))
Width 216 mm
Depth 271 mm
The thickness of the 49 mm
Weight 2110 g
Screen (Panasonic CF-19 (DDBZXVM))
Touch screen
RAM (Panasonic CF-19 (DDBZXVM))
The type of RAM DDR2
The maximum amount of memory 4 GB
Data storage (Panasonic CF-19 (DDBZXVM))
The type of hard drive (s) HDD
Memory card SD
Graphics (Panasonic CF-19 (DDBZXVM))
The type of graphics adapter built-in
Local video memory 128 MB
Camera and sound (Panasonic CF-19 (DDBZXVM))
The built-in camera
Built-in microphone
Keyboard and touchpad (Panasonic CF-19 (DDBZXVM))
Backlight keyboard
Cursor control touch pad (touch pad)
Functionality (Panasonic CF-19 (DDBZXVM))
Fingerprint scanner
Interfaces (Panasonic CF-19 (DDBZXVM))
LAN 10/100 Mbit
Dialup modem (RJ11)
USB 2.0 2
USB 3.0
IEEE 1394 (FireWire)
Battery (Panasonic CF-19 (DDBZXVM))
Battery type Li-ion
Battery power 5 700 mAh
Time 7 hours
Trim (Panasonic CF-19 (DDBZXVM))
Operating system Windows XP Professional
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