Lenovo S40-70 (80GQ000PRK)


14.0" (1366 x 768), Intel Core i5 4210U, 4 GB, 500 GB + 8 GB (HDD + SSD), Intel HD Graphics 4400, body color black, cover color black

Main (Lenovo S40-70 (80GQ000PRK))
Diagonal screen 14.0"
The screen resolution 1366 x 768
The screen technology TN+Film
Hard disk capacity 500 GB
Graphics adapter Intel HD Graphics 4400
Processor Intel Core i5
Processor (Lenovo S40-70 (80GQ000PRK))
Platform (code name) Intel Shark Bay (2013)
Turbo-frequency 2 700 MHz
Cache (shared, L2 or L3) 3 MB
CPU power consumption (TDP) 15 W
The processor model 4210U
The number of cores 2
Clocked 1 700 MHz
Memory 4 GB
Design (Lenovo S40-70 (80GQ000PRK))
The surface of the body semi-smooth, polished
Dust, moisture, shock
Dimensions and weight (Lenovo S40-70 (80GQ000PRK))
Width 349 mm
Depth 245 mm
The thickness of the 25 mm
Weight 1800
Sensors (Lenovo S40-70 (80GQ000PRK))
Screen (Lenovo S40-70 (80GQ000PRK))
Frameless screen
Touch screen
Support pen input
3D screen
The light sensor
RAM (Lenovo S40-70 (80GQ000PRK))
The type of RAM DDR3
Data storage (Lenovo S40-70 (80GQ000PRK))
The type of hard drive (s) HDD + SSD
Protection from drop and shock (accelerometer)
The speed of rotation 7200 RPM
SSD capacity 8 GB
Memory card
Graphics (Lenovo S40-70 (80GQ000PRK))
The type of graphics adapter built-in
Camera and sound (Lenovo S40-70 (80GQ000PRK))
The built-in camera
Built-in microphone
Surround sound audio Dolby Advanced Audio
Built-in speakers 2 dynamics
Keyboard and touchpad (Lenovo S40-70 (80GQ000PRK))
Digital field (Numpad)
Backlight keyboard
Factory "Cyrillic" on the keys
Cursor control touch pad (touch pad)
Functionality (Lenovo S40-70 (80GQ000PRK))
TV tuner
Fingerprint scanner
Interfaces (Lenovo S40-70 (80GQ000PRK))
LAN 10/100/1000 Mbit
Dialup modem (RJ11)
3G modem
All USB ports 3
USB 2.0 2
USB 3.0 1
eSATA/USB combo
COM port (RS-232)
IEEE 1394 (FireWire)
Thunderbolt 2.0
Audio output (3.5 mm jack) 1
Battery (Lenovo S40-70 (80GQ000PRK))
Battery type Li-ion
Solar battery
Trim (Lenovo S40-70 (80GQ000PRK))
Operating system Windows 8.1
Bag or case
Delivery power adapter, documentation
The second battery
General information (Lenovo S40-70 (80GQ000PRK))
Release date on the market 2014
Class consumer
Price range the initial level
Body color black
The dome light
Protection from spills
The smart card slot
Docking port
Port for a second battery
Type universal
The surface of the cover semi-smooth
Color cover black
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